Connect Yahoo mail into Gmail, via POP3

Recently my Gmail unable to import mails via POP3 of my yahoo mail.

The error was

There was a problem connecting to

Server returned error: "Connection timed out: There may be a problem with the settings you added. Please contact your other email provider to verify the correct server name and port."

These are the steps to re-enable:

  1. 1. Sign in and go to your Account security page.
  2. 2. Click Generate app password or Manage app passwords.
  3. 3. Select your app from the drop down menu and click Generate.
  4. 4. Follow the instructions below the password.
  5. 5. Click Done.
  6. 6. Use this app password and your email address to sign in to your email app.
Reference of above steps

Copy paste the password into the Gmail connect account,
and voila! it works, ^^
