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ReactNative, pod install, Archive faliled with duplicate *.o
I resolved this issue and succesfully implemented GMaps on IOS simulator by the followings:
- Open Xcode > Pods > Targets Support Files > Pods-{TARGET-NAME}
- find "OTHER_LDFLAGS" and remove only "-ObjC" in these two files:
- Pods-{TARGET-NAME}.release.xcconfig & Pods-{TARGET-NAME}.debug.xcconfig
- Go to project main target > Build Settings > Other Linker Flags:
- Make sure no "-ObjC" is left in the value
- I deleted the build/Build folder in ios and run-ios again. It works now.
- Also make sure you have enable Google Maps SDK for iOS on Google APIs console (only enabling API key will not success)
Side effects from the link above: the app may become larger as there may be duplicated symbols during compile
Hope can help you.
P.S. Not yet try on real device