XAMPP 32 bit unable to run on Xubuntu 64 bit

Just happened to download xampp 1.8.0 and unable to start apache and other applications. Strangely xubuntu only shows that phpstatus failed at line 4 saying php is no such file or directory. No luck on
googling but my past experienced tells that xampp 1.7 to 1.8 are 32bit. Ok, give it a try to install
glibc.i686 and apparently libc6 is the equivalent on xubuntu.

Firstly we have to add the 32bit arch by
$ sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
$ sudo apt-get install libc6
It will install all necessary libs.

Re-run php
$ /opt/lampp/bin/php -a

It will show the prompt meaning it runs successful.

while(true){ keepCoding("^^"); }
